With Thanksgiving this past week, I've been thinking of the many many things that I have to be thankful for. Here is a list of many of them, some serious, and some a little more light-hearted! I'm thankful for...
A God that loves me and wants to know me and for me to know him...
A God that loves me enough to provide a way for me to spend eternity with him, even though it cost greatly, and I don't deserve it.
A loving and thoughtful husband who is my best friend in the world.
Two wonderful brothers who are intelligent, kind, and love the Lord.
That God allowed our apartment and almost everything in it to be destroyed in a fire so that I could learn that I don't need anything outside of Him to be happy.
A church family that has been a blessing beyond anything I would ever have expected or imagined.
Many, many, wonderful friends.
A great dad who was super strict- which I will forever be grateful for.
The twenty-seven years I got to spend with my mom who stayed home to care for us, who encouraged me to do my best always, and was there for me no matter what.
A college education at a great school.
A job that I enjoy and where I am able to impact the lives of others.
A church with two pastors who are committed to preaching ALL of the Bible- not just the parts that make everyone feel good or are politically correct.
My Bible and the incredible truths it contains. It has every bit of advice and guidance I will ever need.
Many great students who have taught/teach ME every day!
My grandmother (dad's mom) who encouraged me in the Lord from a very young age.
My grandmother (mom's mom) who is incredibly supportive and one of the classiest people I know!
Aaron's family!
My health.
A beautiful place to live that I can use to minister to others and glorify God.
A great dog that makes me smile on a daily basis, and who is there to "lick" away the tears if ever they fall.
Patent leather shoes.
Sunshine and summer and all of the beauty in nature.
Whoever it is that invited dishwashers and washing machines and dryers, and that I finally have them! (With no collecting quarters required!)
Our cozy fireplace that makes grading papers and writing lesson plans at home a little more enjoyable.
My job at Ann Taylor with its flexiblilty and the change of pace it gives me, along with all of the girls I work with there!
English tea with cream and sugar.
Being a citizen of the United States where I have more freedom than I would in any other nation in the world.
Warm gloves and scarves!
Trees that blossom in the spring.
Italian food. Especially at great Italian restaurants.
Strawberries and blueberries.
Classical music.
Down comforters.
Cloudless summer nights, particularly up north, where I can look at the stars.
The many great books I have read.
God's provision for all of my basic necessities.